Download Iron Wolves Order of the Centurion Book 2 eBook Jonathan Yanez Jason Anspach Nick Cole

By Nelson James on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Download Iron Wolves Order of the Centurion Book 2 eBook Jonathan Yanez Jason Anspach Nick Cole

Product details

  • File Size 1063 KB
  • Print Length 198 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Galaxy's Edge Press (March 5, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 5, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07MV1H51G

Iron Wolves Order of the Centurion Book 2 eBook Jonathan Yanez Jason Anspach Nick Cole Reviews

  • I am a huge fan of the Galaxy's Edge series... this book pretends to be a part of that universe, and it's rather inept in its attempt. In case someone intends to read the story, I'm not going to put any spoilers here..... but there are so many things the Iron Wolves could have at least tried that they didn't. It's as if Jonathan Yanez didn't read the other books and it was honestly painful for me to ready.

    I started out with the Audio Book.. holy crap this was bad as well. With most audio books, you occasionally may hear a sentence or two that has clearly been edited in and doesn't have the same audio characteristics as the rest of the performance. In this book, it's happening all the damn time. Jonathan Davis is reading in a normal voice... all the sudden he's very quiet for a few sentences... then he's yelling! Thank you for the headache ( I ended up abandoning the audio book to skim through the bad dialog sections of the ebook.

    In the Galaxy's Edge world, Anspach & Cole are so adept at describing the battlefield, that I can picture it in my head easily. This was just a cluster. I have no idea what was going on in the final battles.

    Anyway, you get the picture... I don't like this book or the audio book. Skip it, but DO Read all of the other Galaxy's Edge book because they are just freaking AWESOME!
  • I bought this because I thought it was a NEW story. However, it didn't take me long to realize that I had already read this story and it was merely "repackaged" into this format. Sorry I spent money on it. This is what happens when an author spins out in too many directions.
  • 2 stars for the well written action sequences, -3 stars for the atrocious and cringey dialogue, poorly developed characters, inconsistency with the main series and numerous plot holes. As a HUGE fan of the overall series I am extremely disappointed. Let's hope this is Yanezs last book in the Galaxies Edge universe.
  • Just like the other galaxys edge books, I couldn't put it down. The characters were likable and the story was fast paced.
    This whole series has been a great read. If you read any of the other Galaxy's Edge books you'll like this one too.
    If you haven't read any of them then this is a good sci-fi military plot and don't need any background to understand it.
    Looking forward to more stories!
  • It’s a little bit Apocalypse Now, a little bit Guns of Navarone, and a little bit Zulu. And it’s definitely an excellent new entry to the Galaxy’s Edge universe. One of the things that is so fun about this series is the varied locations. Solid story, interesting characters, and all the action we’ve come to expect. This one will not leave you disappointed. If you’re a fan of the Galaxy’s Edge universe, you will want to read this one.
  • What do you do when the armor is ceremonial and you are only there as a symbol, but then real war breaks out? You act like Legionnaires!

    On a mission to sign a peace treaty on a world divided over Republic inclusion, a Legionnaire squad is faced with an impossible choice. Rally the loyal Republic supporters and fight impossible odds or stand back and watch them get over run. They looked to the Legion for peace and stabilty. That is just what the Iron Wolves would give their lives to ensure. Orders be damned. Fun action sequences and scenes of comraderie under fire pepper a book that is fun and instense. A welcome chapter in the series.
  • This book has a serious identity crisis. It's like Yanez really wanted to remind you that you were in the Galaxy's Edge universe, but didn't want to put in the effort to actually write a story that tied into any of the previous lore. He uses all the catchphrases, buzzwords, and lingo of the previous books like a kid who just learned to swear. His female characters are blatantly objectified/cartoonish maguffins for much of the book, and all the characters lack any kind of personality. It's like his drafting notes consisted of, "Sam kills good because he get mad lots", "Zeno is old, but he also kills real good too, has eyepatch", "Shola is hot, like CRAZY hot, also kills good", "Wolf person". If this hadn't been an offshoot of the main series, I would've stopped reading, and having finished it, you can pretty much ignore it. Yanez decided to take a rich universe, add wolf puns, and make it inconsequential to the overall time line. Galaxy's Edge isn't Hemingway, but it's not this straight to DVD garbage either.
  • I love the Galaxies Edge series. This was not it. I was very disappointed to have wasted a credit for the audio book. I believe some of the comments above go into more detail. Unfortunate!