» Read Online Programming Bitcoin Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch Jimmy Song 9781492031499 Books
Nelson James on Saturday, May 18, 2019
Read Online Programming Bitcoin Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch Jimmy Song 9781492031499 Books

Product details - Paperback 322 pages
- Publisher O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (March 2, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1492031496

Programming Bitcoin Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch Jimmy Song 9781492031499 Books Reviews
- I took Jimmy's "Programming Blockchain" bootcamp and witnessed first hand how much Jimmy prepared for his teaching material. His material is amazingly in-depth and comprehensive. From finite fields math to elliptic curves to how wallets and transactions are created, to the different types of transaction formats and how to create them yourself, to more advanced topics like SegWit and Lightning. This book is the result of Jimmy's many hours of teaching. I can't recommend this book enough to anyone who seriously wants to get their hands on Bitcoin scripting or learn how Bitcoin works under the hood.
Be warned, it is not a light reading and it's best to work out all the exercises yourself (there are plenty, enough for you to be able to create your own Bitcoin wallet software at the end). IMO this book is the equivalent of one maybe two graduate level courses if it's taught in universities. Well worth the investment. - Right now edition needs formatting, there are numerous camera + red triangle sections throughout the book when reading on the kindle for web app.
At this price point, this is unacceptable, for the content - presumably these are graphs or necessary code sections - this is inexcusable.
Possibly buy the actual book instead. Because I don't have access to all the content, I cannot however comment on it's value. - An amazing book. If you really want to understand Bitcoin, read Mastering Bitcoin first, then work your way through this book. Although Jimmy recommends intermediate level Python programming skills, if you have any coding background, you should be able to zip through a quick Python primer (like SoloLearn's) and be pretty well prepped to dig in (this is what I did, and was fine).
Highest recommendation - Great book, easy to navigate for a beginner, I would definitely recommend this to someone getting into bitcoin as a good first book.
- This book is based on Jimmy's experience teaching Bitcoin programming to hundreds of students. I've bought and read a lot of books on Bitcoin and Blockchain and it's actually scary how many of them are not very good and often wrong in confusing ways. This is why I recommend you buy Mastering Bitcoin first to understand how the Bitcoin system works from a higher level. Then, buy this book to understand more about how it works under the hood and how to write Bitcoin programs.
- Wish I had this book earlier before going through gathering info on my own through many missleading and confusing materials on this subject. Was fortunate to take Jimmy's "Programming Blockchain" bootcamp in Las Vegas this year and at the end of day 2 my reaction was "I was blind and now I see!!!".
This book is result of his teachings through the years and although would not recommend it as a substitute for in person workshop, it can definitely save you months of study. You will get very good understanding of the details of how Bitcoin works from elliptic curves, elliptic curve cryptography through creating, parsing, signing and verifying transactions all the way to Merkle Tree constructions, Segwit and Bloom Filters. Definitely worth every penny and can later serve you as a good reference. - I attended Jimmy's Programming Blockchain Seminar in person. The course was a 2 day super deep dive into Bitcoin where we built a Bitcoin Python library from scratch. I thought I knew Bitcoin before the seminar, but I was wrong. Way wrong.
We learned how transactions are constructed, addresses are created, blocks are formatted, signatures are verified, etc, etc. Everything.
This book is the even deeper version of the seminar.
If you want to truly understand how Bitcoin works, you need to build Bitcoin. This book is your guide to do just that. I read it cover to cover and keep going back to it while working on a Bitcoin project. It is worth its weight in gold. - After reading this book, you will understand Bitcoin. This is by far, the most clear, yet comprehensive, work on Bitcoin.
Inventing Bitcoin was a feat because it took concepts from numerous disciplines and combined them in an elegant, never before-seen way to invent digital scarcity.
Number theory, Computer Networking and Protocols, Smart Contracts, Game Theory and others, all contributed key ideas to the invention of Bitcoin.
Therefore, understanding Bitcoin is no small task. Jimmy song makes Bitcoin accessible by elucidating key concepts in a highly technical, yet digestible way.
I cannot recommend this book more highly. If you are interested in understanding Bitcoin, please read it.