Download A Life of Lovely The Young Woman Guide to Collecting the Moment Audible Audio Edition Annie F Downs christianaudiocom Books

By Nelson James on Friday, May 24, 2019

Download A Life of Lovely The Young Woman Guide to Collecting the Moment Audible Audio Edition Annie F Downs christianaudiocom Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 3 hours and 57 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher
  • Release Date January 15, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

A Life of Lovely The Young Woman Guide to Collecting the Moment Audible Audio Edition Annie F Downs christianaudiocom Books Reviews

  • My daughters absolutely love this book! They are 13 and 14 and couldn’t put it down!
  • "A Life of Lovely the young woman's guide to collecting the moments that matter," is an excellent book for girls; however after reading this I would say it is more geared for older teens and early 20's, not for younger girls, although the messages are important to be hearing early on. Each day girls are bombarded with images, songs, words, messages in all forms that may impact their self-talk and their beliefs about themselves so that they think they are not good enough, not pretty enough, just not enough in general. However, Annie encourages the reader to really seek out the beauty, the loveliness around, and the confidence and strength that one already possesses and build on that, as God has created each one unique and lovely. I love how each chapter ends with an action that is specific for finding loveliness in that area, something simple such as painting your toenails, or listening to a worship song or thinking about that friend who builds you up and is a strong support for encouragement. This book is written in a conversational tone that is easy to read and follow and it is an inspiring read.

    *Thanks to the B&H/Lifeway Blogger Review Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*
  • I had the opportunity to review A Life Of Lovely by Annie F. Downs. This was the first book I had read of Annie’s and was excited to read a book that was the “Young Women’s Guide to Collecting Moments that Matter”. Honestly, as I started to read, I thought this book was written for tween and teen girls. However as I continued to read, I realized that this book is really intended for college age gal. This shifted my thinking and I was able to appreciate it more once I realized that!

    In A Life of Lovely, Annie shares moments that she has collected over the years that helped contribute to a life of lovely! She shares open and honest experiences from her years, including a highlight of mentoring a group of college women. Annie shares personal hurts and raw emotions. As I said this is clearly written for an older teen/college age type gal.

    I appreciated Annie’s insight and would recommend this book. Annie writes in a real way ~ sorta like you’re taking to a friend. I was given a free copy for my honest review.
  • Any book that encourages young women to live a life that encourages those around them is an A+ in my opinion. There are so many messages out there that make young girls and women alike feel less than. And I think, too often, women send out these messages to one another too. It doesn’t have to be like this. We don’t have to be each other’s competition. We can be each other’s companion. We can be each other’s community. We should be celebrating one another’s wins and cheering one another on in our journeys.

    Annie is someone who is a voice of courage and excitement. She brings biblical truth through her stories. She speaks encouragement to readers who may be fighting the negative messages of the world. She challenges young women to look for lovely in the midst of sadness, discouragement, and losses. She offers hope those who are hopeless by pointing them to Jesus.
  • “A Life of Lovely,” by Annie F. Downs

    “My ability to feel the depths of something good was strengthened by my choice to feel the depths of pain.” Annie Downs, “A Life of Lovely”

    Reading this book was like talking to a friend. Annie has a beautiful way of meeting her readers where they are at, as she touches on many relevant issues in their lives.

    Throughout the pages, she teaches us how to collect and mark moments of “lovely” in our walk through life. Her faith and gift to encourage others through relatable everyday moments is charming and inspirational.

    A little older than the audience she wrote the book for, I caught myself looking back upon transitional times in my life in a new light. This will be a book I hand to my daughter when she starts to experience the joy and fear of life changing and shifting underneath her feet as she walks out into the big beautiful world.

    This book is an easy, feel-good read that will challenge it’s readers to dig into the moments they normally pass by, and into Scripture for more of God’s Truth. “A Life of Lovely” is a collection of sweet stories sharing common ground in the author’s life. Stories many will respond with a “me too, Annie.’

    I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to place their feet on firm ground, choosing to trust God and see the good. It will cause an appreciation in the talents, places, and people God has blessed every life with.

    “I think confessing to God when it seems hard or scary or painful, confessing what you want to do by what feels too challenging- it’s what helps you keep building. It’s what helps you see Him in the people you meet and in the moments when you have to let them leave.” Annie Downs, “A Life of Lovely.”
    (I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.)
  • A Life Of Lovely is a book about the ways we can find the beautiful in our every day moments–even the hard ones–and the story of God meeting us right where we are at and redeeming our brokenness into something beautiful.

    Annie dives deep into the dark parts of her heart to share with us how God redeemed her broken crazy and showed her how to love herself the way God made her and be able to step into all God intended for her to be. It really spoke to me in ways I never thought possible and I love every aspect of it! It really felt like Annie was speaking directly to me in the things she said and what she personally dealt with.

    *Note I received this book from B&H Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.